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  • Writer's pictureTWB

Well It Has Been A Year (Almost)…

Updated: Sep 14, 2021

Hi Everyone!

TWB here!

It has been awhile, but don’t think I forgot about everyone here and those following along! Long story short - I took a break from blogging and documenting to… as you may have guessed...Travel— but pandemic style in a Trailer and RV.

But here is the full update:

When I initially started this website and Instagram in 2019 I wanted to connect with others with Pulmonary Hypertension and other medical conditions to show them the joys you can have traveling and share my advice on how to do so safely. With all those good intentions, came 2020. And with all that going on, traveling was on the back burner.

That was until the trailer came into play. In the summer of 2020 my parents (who were in my COVID bubble) and I traveled from the Midwest to the East Coast then back to the Midwest to California.

After a few thousand miles (and trips in the 100 degree heat), we upgraded to a full motor home with enough room for all of us, and most importantly constant air conditioning.

At this time, my parents and I gave up our respective leases and have been traveling in the RV full time since December 2020. Since then, I have visited 40 states, countless National Parks and seen more of the US than I ever have before.

So there is the condensed update of what I have been up to in 2021.It has been an amazing experience to get to see and do things during this weird time of the pandemic I have been trying to be more in the moment and enjoy these experiences, while balancing working remotely while on the road.

I am still on the road for a few more months, but I am excited to reconnect and continue Traveling Without Boundaries, both here on my blog and on Instagram. My goal is to have a new post out every Tuesday, so make sure to subscribe (on the bottom of the page) and follow along on Instagram here for other updates!

Posts to look forward to include: How to get your medicine while traveling, what to pack for days off the grid, traveling with medicine, traveling with those who do not have a medical condition and so much more - so make sure to keep an eye out for those to come!

It has been a wild year, but it has taught me a lot more about traveling with a medical condition and cannot wait to share with everyone!

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